31+ Insanely Massive Animals That Actually Exist (Photos)

Jaws. The Sandlot. Cujo. Anaconda. All of those films have one thing in common: gigantic animals making life difficult for our protagonists. As creatures who exist outside of the food chain we tend to forget that we are, all things considered, pretty much small fries on the planet. So in order to remind our lovely readers of just how little they are we decided to pull together 45 of the biggest animals we could find for your entertainment. Don’t worry though, nothing on this list is going to try and eat you – we hope.

 Zeus the Great Dane

biggest animals

We aren’t sure if Zeus got his name before or after he became the tallest dog on the planet. This Great Dane, born and raised in Michigan, stood at an incredible 7.5 feet in height when on his hind legs. As with all big dogs Zeus would end up passing away from natural causes at a young age – just 6 years old.

 Malaysian Boa

biggest animals

Where is Jennifer Lopez when you need her? This Malaysian Boa was found by a construction crew while working in the jungle. At 55 feet in length we are all too confident in stating that this is one of the biggest snakes ever found and also one of the deadliest. J-Lo just called: Apparently Anaconda was just a movie and she can’t help us out.

 Great White Shark

biggest animals

Beasts of the Ocean. Remnants from the past. Apex Predators. The Great White Shark can go by many names but we’ll stick with this simple title: massive. This picture showcases a Great White Shark that was pulled up outside of a Cuban village. Measurements showed the creature at over 21 feet in length while weighing in at 7,000 lbs.

  Giant Raccoon

biggest animals

If you live out in the country then you’ve no doubt seen these familiar ringed eyes staring back at you at night. Raccoons are adorable and intelligent creatures – when they aren’t 75 pounds! This giant raccoon would no doubt make mincemeat of your little pooch.