The Story of Augustus – A Walking Skeleton Undergoes An Amazing Dog Transformation – Page 23 – Wildlife Insider

The Story of Augustus – A Walking Skeleton Undergoes An Amazing Dog Transformation

Augustus TransformedSource

It’s amazing how much Augustus has changed!  He is already starting to look like a totally different dog. His hair is growing back and he has been able to put on quite a bit of weight. We are so happy for him and will fill you all in on his continued progress and hopefully finding his forever home. If you want to help Augustus, like Trio Animal Foundation’s facebook page and donate on their website here.

Augustus was found in a gut-wrenchingly awful condition. It was clear he wanted to give up on life but instead he was transformed into a healthy and happy dog who wanted nothing more than to live and be loved.  But he couldn’t have made such a quick recovery without the kind, good-hearted people like you, who took him off of the streets and brought them into the shelter or the capable hands of Trio Animal Foundation who took him into their care and funded his treatment, or the amazingly talented and relentless veterinarians and staff of the ER animal hospitals of Chicago. The treatment of Augustus, like many others who now all live in our hearts, is not cheap. If Augustus’ story has touched you, please consider making a donation to the Trio Animal Foundation. Make sure to include Augustus’ name in the memo to ensure your donation is applied to his treatment.

Please know that WLI has no affiliation with TAF and does not receive any compensation for any donations you make. Our purpose is to bring these remarkable stories to your home (or office;-))and spread the shared love we all have for our four-legged friends!

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